Sunday, June 1, 2014

Hello June!

I love my iPhone camera.  I love how easy it is to grab my phone and snap a shot of whatever cute or silly thing my girls are doing.  My phone is light and easy to carry around.  And I'm a little bit addicted to Instagram.  But I love the pictures I get with my DSLR even more.  I did a 366 project back in 2012, so I had my DSLR out every day.  I have many great photos of the girls from that time.  Since wrapping up the project (over a year ago!) my DSLR hasn't gotten nearly as much use, and I'd like that to change.

So, I'm giving myself a June challenge to take a photo every day.  30 days of taking pictures of our everyday life and little adventures.  I figure if I post about the challenge here, it will hold me at least a little more accountable.  I'll share my favorites along the way.  Anyone else want to join in?

For now, here are a few shots of my girls "helping" me weed in front of our house.  Both insisted on wearing butterfly wings while they worked.


  1. Agree. I only have a point-and-shoot and it's OKAY, but when I convince my husband to dig out his fancy camera on the weekends, I love the moments he captures.

    Can't wait to see the photos your monthly challenge brings!

  2. Gorgeous photos and girls! :) I wish I was better about using my phone is always just so much more convenient and easier to handle.
