Lots of people have already stopped in to meet Baby A- grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles and friends. I'm so happy that our little girl is so loved!
We took her in for her first appointment with the doctor today and everything looked good. She's gaining weight at a good rate, which is very reassuring to me. It can be hard to tell how much she is eating. She was born 8lbs, 13oz, went down to 8lbs, 3oz before we left the hospital, and is already back up to 8lbs, 9oz. She's a long little girl, which isn't too surprising because both E and I are pretty tall. At 21.5 inches, she's in the 92 percentile for height.
I am recovering pretty well. I'm still a little sore but I really can't complain much. The first few days were hard, but every day gets better. E and I have even been able to take Baby A out for a few walks already. I can't go as far as before, but I think it's good to get some exercise.
I really can't believe how fast this first week went! I am really trying to appreciate this time with a newborn to snuggle, even when she's up half the night. I know it's not going to last forever, and I'm going to miss these baby days when she gets older.
Ha ha! I like your "41 Weeks" shot. Isn't it nice to have her OUT! Glad you are recovering well.