Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Baby C: 12 Months

How is my baby one?! More thoughts on that to come, but for now, Baby C's last monthly update. Woo hoo for making it through a full year (and actually the only one of the the girls that got her picture taken on the correct day each month!). 

Personality: Similar to last month's update, Baby C is overall quite happy but also demanding. She likes to be carried around. I think she doesn't want to miss out on the action. I still think she would be an even happier girl if she would start moving, but there's still no crawling happening.

Likes: Me. Daddy. Her sisters. Watching her sisters dance. Being carries around. Throwing herself backward. Eating. Playing peek-a-boo. Kicking her legs around. Trying to pull everything out of our office supply drawer. Bath time. Ice cream. Putting her fingers in my mouth when I'm feeding her. Swinging.

Dislikes: Tummy time. Bearing weight on her legs. Letting her feet touch the ground. While we were at the cabin she used her cousin's walker, and she would sit in the walker with her legs up most of the time. She tried moving around in the walker a little bit, but only mastered reverse. She also seems to get overwhelmed if other little kids get too close to her (especially Miss A, who can be a little intense).

Eating: Baby girl loves to eat. She is getting a little more selective about what she wants to eat, but eats well overall. In the past week or so she has lost interest in both bottles and sippy cups, but does love my water bottle with a straw so we'll be getting some baby straw cups soon. I'm down to nursing her just twice most days and hope to be totally done in the next couple of weeks.

Sleeping: Awesome. Baby C is sleeping solid 8-10 hour stretches at night, waking up around 6:30am most days. Most days I can nurse her at 6:30am and get her back to sleep for a couple more hours. It's wonderful, and really frees up our mornings because she doesn't need a morning nap those days. In general her nap time continues to be very flexible.

Stats: I'll update after her well child visit! I'm hoping to hear she's gaining well!


  1. My baby girl is the exact same way about standing up! She did start recently crawling bit won't bear any weight on her legs. She either pulls her legs up under her tush or sticks her butt way out of her feet actually touch the floor!
