Friday, February 3, 2012

Quick Little A Update

Little A is most certainly a toddler.

She is a bundle of energy. And she is sassy.

She runs around the house like a crazy person for much of the day. She loves to play "catch," though her actual catching skills are lacking. She'll throw the ball (often behind her) and yell with excitment. Open gym is the greatest! She can run and yell and nobody looks at me funny. I picked her up from day care the other day, and she ran away from me to the playground area. She ran to a swing, and in one motion dove on the big kid swing on her tummy. No fear. And she looked SO BIG to me doing it.

She loves people. She is so excited when we have visitors, or when she gets to go "play with friends." That's a general term for almost anything we are going to where there will be other little people, including day care, ECFE, and the library. She runs around yelling, "Play with friends! Play with friends!" She opens up to other people very quickly. She'll sit in any mom's lap to sing (another favorite!), play or read when we go to play groups.

She can tell us what she wants, and she expects that we'll get it for her (we're working on using please and thank you. She'll yell what she wants, "MILK! MORE MILK!" and then in the sweetest voice add "please" at the end. She says so many things I can't even begin to count. Not just words, but 3 and 4 word sentences. On the phone she'll ramble on and on. I thought we wouldn't have to worry about that until her teen years, but I guess I was wrong! E and my current favorite is when she talks about her little sister (who she loves), "Jopha-jean."

1 comment:

  1. this is ADORABLE.
    i am missing you, friend! and i am so happy to see an update on my sweet little friend, Annabelle!
